Next meeting of members

Please find the current information about the next meeting of members here.




Offshore Construction Print

The VDSS members of the working group "Offshore Construction" perform beside general surveying activities mainly in the field of Offshore Construction. In Germany "Offshore Construction" is related to the installation and operation of Offshore Wind Energy Plants.

The members of the working group „Offshore Construction” have usually graduated in naval architecture or nautical sciences and come with many years of practical work experience as independent marine experts.

Their experience focuses on:

  • Loading and transport of large offshore components, cargo securing and towage operations.
  • Lifting and construction procedures offshore and in port
  • Specialized vessels for the offshore construction industry
  • Approval and certification procedures for offshore wind energy sector
  • Damage assessment, damage mitigation and damage prevention
  • Expert opinion on technical and nautical issues

The fields of activity include:

  • Condition survey of barges, tugs, special purpose ships, On/Off Hire
  • Damage survey of vessels, offshore installations, harbour facilities
  • Shipyard survey and assessment
  • Survey of construction progress

Our clients are project developers, insurance companies, shipping companies, banking institutions, shipyards, operators of port installations, law courts and others.

The marine experts have the relevant certificates for offshore and helicopter operations. All independent marine surveyors perform their services onshore and offshore, worldwide.